Tweaking game files for a better FPS

Play Modern Games on Potato PC/Laptop.

Monday, September 5, 2016

How to fix stutter in Far Cry 4

For those who have a massive stuttering with Far Cry 4 here is a temporary solution. 1. Open My Document\My Games\Far Cry 4\ 2. Open GamerProfile.xml, right click open (you can use notepad). 3. Press CTRL + F and type "disableloadingmip0" (without quotes). 4. then, change number 0 to 1 for DisableLoadingMip0 and GPUMaxBufferedFrame 5. Save dan close notepad. Happy gaming...

Sunday, September 4, 2016

How to fix or improve fps in WWE 2K16

This time i want to share about fix fps and speed problem in WWE 2K16 for PC 1. Make sure you change to the lowest setting as posible for better performance. 2. Open My Document\WWE2K16. and oepn config.ini then change  denominator & numerator to "120000" (without quote). 3. Open WWE 2K16 then minimize it, open Cheat Engine. (search goolge for download cheat engine). 4....

How to stretch CSGO in 4:3 aspect ratio

This is a tutorial how to stretch CSGO in 4:3 resolution, for some people they're can't stretch csgo with amd radeon setting, nvidia control panel or intel graphic properties. So there is an alternative to do it. 1. download Hotkey Resolution Changer here 2. RunHRC.exe 3. This interface will show 4. Change the both hotkeys as you like. Me use "Home" & "End" k 5....